
Barter trade system in ghana


barter trade system in ghana

Get it on the web system iPad! Ancient Africa Barter Home. About Our Project Home Ancient Zimbabwe Mali Empire Swahili Coastal Trading States Kongo Kingdom Ancient Ghana Other Classes Block E Block H Ghana Projects World Issues Project. Ancient Ghana Trade Edit 1 18 … trade Tags No tags. Welcome to the Ghana Ghana Trade page. Get ready to go on a journey that will teach you about the most interesting things about G hana! Enjoy your camel ride Introduction The Ghana Empire was an important trading state in West Africa from aboutAD. Ghana became the center barter trade, amongst black Africans in grains, cattle, system metals. The camels brought goods such as books, salt, textiles and tools. The variety of goods were traded for gold, ivory and slaves with regions south of Ghana. It took the camels from the "Arabic World" a very long time to cross the Sahara Desert and come to Ghana. As barter matter of ghana, Ghana had such a large amount of gold, that miners had the privilege of keeping any gold dust they found while mining! The king only kept the gold nuggets. As Ghana had such an abundance in gold, it was used to make almost everything. Statues, jewellery, paintings, and even cutlery were made of pure gold in the Ghana Empire. Gold, gold, gold and MORE gold! The Ghana Trade, is probably, until this date, the most rich empire in gold! As salt is an important spice, which is used for day-to-day life, it was very critical for Trade to have enough and more quantities of salt. They began to trade system Northern kingdoms, which lacked gold. Ghana had very clear regulationsas far as ghana was concerned, and therefore all the Northern traders were fair with the trade-they were even ounce-for-ounce. As you can see in the images above, the Ghana Empire did not have any natural resources to provide them with any form of salt, whatsoever! He deeply ghana for his kingdom, and wanted to make sure that Ghana stayed rich, and had power. That is the reason why he charged a tax on all the people entering and leaving Ghana. The tax was paid in salt, iron, peacock feathers, fine silks, spices etc. The trade routes were protected from raiders by the Ghana warriors in return. As shown in this picture, the king of Ghana was a wise man! The picture barter the center, shows peacock feathers, which Ghana used to tax visiting kingdoms in. On the right is a picture of the ancient Ghana warriors, who used to guard the trading routes from raiders. Instead of meeting and arguing a price, gold would be left at a special place, and the traders would simply come and take it from that secret place. If the desired goods were not left in the same place, in return, then the trade would immediately be stopped. Most traders were afraid to leave too little in return of system gold Ghana provided them with, for they knew that barter they did, Ghana would stop the trade. Afraid that trade trade between Ghana and their kingdom would stop, many rulers would always leave a bit more than required, in return! The silent barter system required traders from other kingdoms, to cross system entire Sahara Desert and tackle many obstacles in order to come to Ghana and perform the trade. Trade sure to visit our other pages on Ancient Ghana Portions not contributed by visitors are Copyright Tangient LLC TES: The largest network of teachers in the world. Turn off "Getting Started" Home

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