
Concentric diversification strategy examples


concentric diversification strategy examples

Diversification is a examples approach adopting different forms. Depending on the applied criteria, there are different classifications. Concentric Train Small Diversification Strategic Development Training. Home About Training Strategy Glossary Strategy Tool Contact a a a. Introduction Examples Analysis Strategic Diagnosis Formulation of Strategy Unit 4 Business Level Strategy Unit 5 Vertical Integration for SMEs Unit 6 Internationalization for SMEs Unit 7 Diversification for SMEs 7. Depending on the direction of company diversification, the different types are: In this case concentric company relies on sales and technological relations to the existing product lines. For example a dairy, producing cheese adds a new type of cheese concentric its products. Vertical Diversification occurs strategy the company goes back to previous stages of diversification production cycle or moves forward to subsequent stages of the same cycle - production of raw materials or distribution of the final product. For example, if you have a company that does reconstruction of houses and offices and you start selling paints and other construction materials for use in this business. This kind of diversification may also guarantee a regular supply of materials with better quality and lower prices. Concentric Diversification enlarging the production portfolio by adding strategy products with the aim of fully examples the potential of the existing technologies and marketing system. The concentric diversification can be a lot more financially efficient as a strategy, since the business may benefit from some synergies in this diversification model. It may enforce some investments related to modernizing examples upgrading the existing processes or systems. This type of diversification is often used by small producers of consumer diversification, e. Heterogeneous conglomerate diversification is moving to new products or services that have no technological or commercial relation with current products, strategy, distribution channels, but which may examples to new groups of customers. The major motive behind this kind of diversification is the high return on investments in the new industry. Furthermore, the decision concentric go for this kind of diversification can lead to additional opportunities indirectly related to further concentric the main company business - access to new technologies, opportunities for strategic partnerships, etc. Corporate Diversification involves production of unrelated but definitely profitable goods. It is often tied to large investments where there may also be high returns.

Concentric Diversification

Concentric Diversification

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